The picture on the right is Libby on an average day at the beach, she's like the rest of us, good, bad and other days. I think the sand in her shorts put a bit of a damper on things.
Shit it's almost 3am and we head to the airport in a bit under 7 hours. Means I should sleep on the plane though. Feel sorry for the poor bastard who will have to listen to me snore, apparently it's a bit loud but that's ok, I'll be asleep at the time. I'm still dicking around trying to put together some photos onto a CD as a slideshow to take home to the whanau, should have started this project a wee bit sooner. A bit much to download the software at 10pm and expect to master it in a couple of hours.....I know, I know, there are people out there who could, but they don't have a life. Whilst learning I've eaten an Indian and drank 4 beers. (Also squeezed in a game of Battlefield and half an hour watching the History Channel. That was good, it was all about the blokes who made the first Atomic bomb. Wouldn't it be great to know that was your legacy to the world.....) That's enough, I'm off for some sleep and I'll talk to you later. Nighty night.
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