It all started with a big trip on the plane! This was the second time Libby had flown up for a visit. This photo was actually taken when she arrived after her first flight ever (all by herself!!) back in September. She seemed a bit shellshocked by it all initially but was soon telling us all about how the plane goes up... up... up!!! The latest trip arrived on a Thursday evening and Tommy picked the wee jet-setter up from the airport..

On the Friday morning Libby went to see all her friends at the daycare centre. The staff love to see her when she is in Auckland and Libby loves to catch up with everyone! We picked her up in the afternoon and hit the road to
Waihi Beach where we would be going to a party celebrating my Great-Uncle's 80th birthday on the Saturday.
When we arrived we set the tent up on the lawn and set about meeting everyone. There was quite a crowd about so there was some initial shyness with Libby hanging out with Tom until she sussed everyone out.
Sleeping in the tent was a whole new experience and terribly exciting! Tom stayed in the tent while Libby settled in and ended up not emerging again...
We woke in the morning with a very excited little girl telling us "I did it!! I slept in the tent!!"

We emerged and went 'next door' to have breakfast in my parents motorhome... sleeping in a tent... breakfast in a bus... what would be next? It was promising to be a big day! After breakfast and a bit of football on the lawn, the three of us went for a drive into Waihi township to have a bit of a look around. We headed up to the mine and discovered a big truck... and a big mother hole in the ground... everything was big around here... even the bugs! We found this
gum emperor moth hanging out in the sun. These are massive... the wings would have easily covered my hand if he'd sat on it.

We headed back to Waihi Beach and of course had to stop and take a look at the beach. Libby 'talked me into' having a paddle in the water while Tom stretched out on the warm sand had a short snooze in the sun. After that we went back to the house where we discovered people were arriving thick and fast. My sister - Claire, brother - Brendon, and his wife - Vicky, had arrived and we were teated to news of another impending family memeber - Vicky & Brendon are expecting. After they headed off to check out their accomodation we had some quiet time snoozing in the tent before the party.

A little later my youngest brother, Robert and his family (Stacey and the kids - Tialia and baby Braxton) arrived. Libby had first met Tialia on our family weekend to Rotorua earlier in the year so was very excited at this development. We went down to the camp complex where the party was being held and where the rest of the immediate family were staying in the bus and rented cabin. This was great as it gave the girls time to catch up on the latest fashion tips and gossip. The formalities out of the way it was time to rev things up... there was a big field outside the cabin that had to be tested out ....

Woohooo! Party time! We had a fantastic meal and great time at the party. It was all over so quickly in the finish and the next morning we headed north again to drop Libby back at the airport and head home to wait for the next visit!